Produced in close co-operation with Tim Burton and the production team, this lavish hardcover official companion volume to the film includes a Foreword by Johnny Depp and an Introduction by Tim Burton, alongside scores of photos, concept drawings and production designs, and interviews with the cast and crew.
Title: Dark Shadows: The Visual Companion
Author: Mark Salisbury
Extent: 192pp.
Limited Edition price: UK: £75.00
Dimensions: 230 x 295 mm (UK) / 11 5/8” x 9” (US)
Paper stock & weight: 157gsm glossy art stock
Binding: Hardcover, gloss laminated.
Slipcase image: Photo of Depp / Photo of coffin
Slipcase specification: Gloss laminated.
Signed: Signed tip-in sheet by Tim Burton.
Numbered: 1000 copies.
Art print:
Dimensions: 198 x 145 mm
Paper/card colour, stock & weight: Fine Art Textured
Printing process: Digital
Print signed: Print is not signed
Name of signed image: Art of Barnabas Collins by Tim Burton (exclusive, not in book).